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Are you thinking of making some of your work force redundant or have you been informed you are at risk of being made redundant. Maybe you have already been made redundant but you have a doubt in the back of your mind that the whole redundancy process was conducted fairly.


Redundancy happens when an employer needs to reduce the workforce. The rules can be very complex

If you are being made redundant you might be eligible for certain rights such as:


1. Redundancy pay
2, Notice pay
3. Some contractual rights

4. Time off to look for a new job
5. The right to be properly consulted.


If you have been selected for redundancy often this will have been after a fair procedure but sometimes an employer fails to follow a fair procedure. If this happens the affected employee might be entitled to claim unfair dismissal and obtain additional financial compensation.


If you believe that you might have been selected unfairly or you wish to discuss redundancy with us please contact us as soon as you can.


This is because there are strict time limits and you may only have 3 months to bring a claim otherwise you will lose out the chance to make a claim .

No Win No Fee might be available for your claim so please phone to discuss.

Contact us today for a free no obligation chat


0161 443 4141

Byrne Campbell Moloi Law LLP is registered in England and Wales with Company Number OC424295.


Byrne Campbell Moloi Law LLP is the first law firm to be authorised and regulated by CILEx Regulation offering specialist employment and criminal law advice.






Authorised by CILEx Regulation for Civil and Criminal Litigation and Advocacy Authorisation No: 2182916


Stockport Business & Innovation Centre

3rd Floor

Broadstone Mill



0161 443 4141

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